Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Although it is May 1st, let me reach back into the archives and post a publication from the end of January.

A Brief Winter Update

            Winter update hardly seems the appropriate title with this unusually warm weather.  I must admit I have been looking forward to a little snow so I could try out some of these great sledding hills we have around the golf course.  Instead of toboggan building we have put an emphasis on rebuilding some of our course accessories and doing some tree trimming. 

            If your golf game has blessed you with a nice right hander’s slice, I’m sure you’ve had many great looks at the two huge, beautiful Beech trees in the right rough of #1.  Since they were in desperate need of trimming and we needed wood to make new tee markers, this seemed like the perfect fit.  After all, if its good enough for some uses in Mercedes Benz and Budwieser, it should be good enough for our tee markers.  We cut all branches with a 3 – 4 1/2 inch diameter into five inch tall pieces.  We routored the edges for a softer look on the tops and painted a recessed band around the side to correspond with each tee position.  After a few more coats of clear, weather protection they will be ready to go.

Beech tree on #1

New tee markers

      Since the weather has been conducive for getting outside, we were able to get some tree trimming accomplished as well.  The main focus was to open some areas up to receive more air and light and bring back intended golf shots to certain tees.  All trees between #17 green and #8 tee have been trimmed close to thirty feet above the ground.  Most undergrowth on the hillsides around #8 and #18 tee has been cut back.  Extensive  clearing has taken place at the following tee complexes:   #8, #9, #14 ladies, #16, #17 both sides, and #18.  This will help create a better look at each hole from the tee and allow better use of the teeing surfaces.

      All of our cutting units have been sharpened, and now we are addressing winter maintenance and repairs.  George has been working very hard at his goose patrol duties. The open water has kept the geese very persistent, but he is holding up his end of the bargain.  Hopefully, everyone enjoyed a wonderful holiday season and is dreaming of green grass.  Feel free to contact me down at the maintenance building. My door is always open.

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