Friday, June 15, 2012

Velocity Report

            Well, I expected to have some fun pictures to show from our May Velocity spray, but the affects weren’t glaringly obvious.  We did see the Poa annua turn a yellowish color and stop producing seeds.  The Velocity also regulated the growth of both the bentgrass and Poa.  We started to notice seeder lines of young bentgrass plants reappearing from the work completed last fall.  This means the bentgrass is out-competing the Poa. 

            #12 Collar - Dark green lines are bentgrass out-competing the weakened yellow Poa.

            #16 fairway - 1 of 4 check plots on the golf course.  (others in #2, #10, and #13)

           The second application of Velocity was applied  June 13th.  I would expect the results to be more noticeable this time because it is warmer than it was in May.  We added some iron to the spray to help mask any potential discoloration that might occur.  The check plots are still out there so we can monitor the progress.  Feel free to stop me on the course and ask questions about them.  Hopefully, I will have better pictures this month, or maybe hopefully not.