Divots 101
I have discovered there is some
confusion about what to do with divots.
Although we have green divot sand on the carts, it is always best, when
possible, to replace a divot with the actual piece of turf. If there is not enough turf to replace the
entire divot, then the remaining void may be filled with the green divot
sand. If the divot explodes into a
million pieces, then green sand is the best option.
I always
view replacing a divot as the world’s smallest sod job. There are definitely benefits
to divot replacing. First, replacing a
divot is filling a void with the desired turf species for that particular
area. It also keeps the playing surface
level and free of voids for trailing golfers.
An open void in the turf is a prime spot for weeds and Poa to fill. Although sand is better than nothing, too
much can be bad. When sand is piled
higher than the grass, it goes through the reels on our mowers and instantly
dulls our cutting edges.
Just some food for thought.
Happy hacking!