The Battle Continues...and is about to begin
It's a beautiful Saturday in early May and it seems we can't get out from between the rock and the hard place.
Battle #1: Getting the speed up in the greens.
After core aerifying the greens, we received 4 frosty mornings which severely slowed our growth and recovery efforts. Finally, this past week the greens have made great progress in getting closed back up. In order to get some speed back quicker we have lowered our cutting height and changed rollers on one of the greens mowers. In doing so, some of the topdressing sand has pulled back up to the surface keeping us in the same boat as a few days ago. With more favorable conditions in the forecast, we will grow out of the sand and the holes will make their final push to close off. Hopefully, sooner than later. If it makes that angsty, sick feeling in my stomach, I surely understand golfing perspective. Thank you for the patience and understanding.
...And now that the greens have been mowed this morning, cloud cover rolled in and dew reformed making it look like the mowers never left the shop.
Battle #2: Our old foe, Poa.
This coming week of May 7th, I have penciled in to spray Velocity on our fairways, approaches, and collars. For those who do not know, Velocity is a herbicide that aids in the elimination of Poa annua (annual bluegrass) in bentgrass. We will be applying Velocity at the low rate. Since this is an ongoing process, we want the Poa to transition out and the bentgrass to fill the vacating spots. The expectations are that the treated areas will turn off color for a period of a few days and then return back to how we see them today. Some areas of higher Poa populations will most likely start to thin down. The needs of those areas will be addressed as they arise. We will have various check plots in the fairways to monitor our progress, so expect to see pictures in future blogs.
Please feel free to contact the grounds department with any questions.