Frost Advisory
We have had a couple frosty mornings now, and will begin
having more as we move deeper into fall.
The black and soon to be brown foot prints down the middle of various
fairways reminded me not everyone realizes walking on frost covered grass
typically results in death. During
conditions that favor frost, the moisture in the grass plants and the dew
produced by the grass freezes. When
pressure from animals, people, vehicles, etc is applied to the frosted grass,
the cell walls of the plants shatter. It
is similar to breaking spaghetti noodles before they are cooked in boiling
water. The grass typically can not
recover and begins showing signs of death within a few hours of when the
pressure was applied during the frosty conditions. Death is more prominent in greens, tees, and
fairway because of lower mowing heights.
The crown, or growing point of the plant, is not as protected and more
likely to be damaged than taller maintained turf.
People tracks from walking on frosty grass
Deer tracks from playing on frosty grass